
Kate – Class of 2014

Many senior girls decide to do a split session so that they can style their hair in two different ways.  Kate opted to do this as well, and we had a blast at her first session.  We took advantage of the beautiful backyard setting and then headed over to her high school softball field for […]

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Alec – Class of 2014

Like a lot of high school senior guys, Alec wasn’t all that crazy about having senior pictures done.  But he loves his mom, and so he agreed.  (Promising to take him to the new ice cream place in town probably didn’t hurt! 🙂   Smart mom! Thanks so much for putting up with having photos […]

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Ben – Class of 2013 (Part 2) {Akron, OH Senior Photography}

There were too many favorites for just one blog post, so here is Part 2 of Ben’s senior portraits session:   Ben and family (and Niki, too!):  Thank you for a fun and successful photo session.  You all were great to work with! To the Park police:  Stopping in the middle of the road really […]

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Ben – Class of 2013 {Akron, OH Senior Photography}

I met Ben back in October to talk about senior pictures.  And I knew from that meeting that his portrait session was going to be really fun! (One of the reasons I like to schedule a pre-consultation meeting with my seniors is so that I have a chance to get to know what they have […]

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Think Spring for Your Senior Pictures

The extra afternoon light and a glorious Sunday afternoon with spring-like temperatures this past weekend has me looking forward to spring and all that comes with it!    I look forward to flowers and nesting birds and opening the windows.  And, of course, I look forward to the spring photo sessions, too! Spring is a […]

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