Photography Tips

Top 10 Photos You Need to Take this Christmas

Outdoor Christmas Lights display

Okay, “need” might be overstating things a tad.  But if you think back on Christmas photos you’ve taken in the past, they probably all look the same.  The people in them just get a bit older and the clothing styles have changed.  You understand what I mean, right?  There’s lots of photos of Christmas morning, […]

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November Photo Challenge

I think it’s time for another 30 Day Photo Challenge.  Last time I told you that one of the best ways to improve your photography skills is to practice every day.  But the people and pets in your lives might not always appreciate being your subjects.   Let me encourage you to photograph something else for […]

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5 Tips for Taking Better Halloween Photos

Jack-o-lantern photo with wording

A few years ago, I wrote an article for a photography website called I Heart Faces with tips for taking better Halloween photos of your kids.  That website is sadly no longer available, so I thought I would re-write it and share my favorite tips with you here. 1. Get the costume shot early. Of […]

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