Photography Tips

February Photo Challenge

list of photography prompts

There’s nothing that will help you improve your photography faster than daily practice. But sometimes you get a little “stuck” creatively trying to come up with ideas of what to photograph. Let’s practice together. There’s a photo prompt below for each day during the month of February. Post your images on Instagram or Facebook (don’t […]

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Christmas Photography Tips {Recap}

Outdoor Christmas Lights display

Christmas is one of those times of year that make you want to pull out the big camera.  So I thought it would be a good time to share a recap of the Christmas photography tips that I have written in the past.  From Christmas lights, to capturing the action, to ideas for what photos […]

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Thanksgiving Photo Tips

For many people, Thanksgiving is a great time to get out the camera and document some memories.  Especially if you’re blessed to have your extended family there!  I’m sharing my Thanksgiving photo tips with you today and I hope you find them helpful! Decorations & Details Do you use the good china and set the […]

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Use Shutter Priority Mode to Keep Christmas in Focus

boy opening Christmas gift

Surely, we can all use a reminder to slow down and enjoy the season.  But when I say “Keeping Christmas in Focus”, I am talking about a clear picture, photographically speaking.  So today, I’m going to teach how to use Shutter Priority Mode. Because when you go to view your photos after the gifts are […]

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Christmas Lights Bokeh

blurry Christmas lights bokeh

“Christmas say what?” you ask. Yes, you read it correctly.  Christmas lights bokeh.   It’s those pretty bubbles of light in a blurry background you’ve been seeing in magazines and Instagram feeds.  Whether it’s your Christmas tree or some lighted garland or your outdoor decorations, that pretty  blurry background is something most everyone wants to learn […]

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