
Back to School 2013

It’s that time of year again — back to school.  Can you hear the defeated groans? In addition to the “posed” back to school shot, I wanted to take some photos of the things that they were excited about on the first day back to school  (Because, honestly, they were both starting at new buildings […]

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Get in the Photo! {A Plea to the Family Photographer}

Do you realize that by saying you need to lose a few pounds or that you hate your hair or your smile or whatever, you are actually sending the message that you aren’t worthy to be photographed with your family? …We’ve all heard the saying that we are our own worst critics, right? But, trust me, your kids do not care that you aren’t perfect! In fact, unless you go around bringing attention to whatever perceived flaw you have, they aren’t even aware you have one.

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Family on Location {Akron, OH Family Photogapher}

  Earlier this month, I had the privilege of photographing this sweet family at one of my favorite Akron locations.  The dad and mom head up our children’s ministry at church and are a tremendous blessing to my family and many others. These kids have some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. […]

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Lyndee – 6-month Portraits {Akron, OH Newborn/Child Photographer}

A friend of mine purchased a session as a shower gift for her goddaughter, and I was scheduled to meet this little sweetheart back in April as a newborn.   But when she arrived, the doctors quickly discovered that something was wrong with her heart and Lyndee  had to stay in the hospital for a […]

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