VIP Booking Announcement

Oh, my friends!  I have another senior in high school this year.  And if I learned anything from the year my daughter was a senior, it’s that there are so many activities and events. And I want to be there for everything. But I also adore my clients and I want to continue to give […]

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Meet Hannah – Hoover Class of 2019 {Summer Senior Pictures}

Senior girl posing on stone steps

Hannah is just as sweet as can be, and this flower garden setting was the perfect backdrop for her summer senior pictures.   Our families have been friends for years, but it’s hard for me to believe she’s a senior already!   Seems like her big sister’s senior portrait session was just a few months ago, but […]

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How to Beat the Heat for Your Outdoor Summer Photo Session

blotting paper and powder compact

Here in Northeast Ohio, summer is prime season for outdoor senior pictures.  But how do you beat the heat and look your best for your summer photo session when the weather gets hot and humid?  I’ve got some tips to share with you today to help you look cool and comfortable even when the temperatures aren’t.

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Where Are They Now? {A Special Graduated Senior Interview}

Senior poses in Norton baseball uniform for senior pictures

I had just been thinking that it’s time for another graduated senior interview.  And then one of my graduated seniors got  in touch a couple of weeks ago with a special request.  But before I share what the request was, let me tell you what Jonathan’s been up to in this second installment of Where […]

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Summer Fun Photo Challenge

Are you looking to better your photography skills? One of the best tips I can give you is to practice every day.   But if your kids run and hide every time you get out the camera, you might need to give them a break. Maybe you should photograph something else for a change.  Enter the […]

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