Christmas Lights Bokeh

blurry Christmas lights bokeh

“Christmas say what?” you ask. Yes, you read it correctly.  Christmas lights bokeh.   It’s those pretty bubbles of light in a blurry background you’ve been seeing in magazines and Instagram feeds.  Whether it’s your Christmas tree or some lighted garland or your outdoor decorations, that pretty  blurry background is something most everyone wants to learn […]

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Top 10 Photos You Need to Take this Christmas

Outdoor Christmas Lights display

Okay, “need” might be overstating things a tad.  But if you think back on Christmas photos you’ve taken in the past, they probably all look the same.  The people in them just get a bit older and the clothing styles have changed.  You understand what I mean, right?  There’s lots of photos of Christmas morning, […]

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November Photo Challenge

I think it’s time for another 30 Day Photo Challenge.  Last time I told you that one of the best ways to improve your photography skills is to practice every day.  But the people and pets in your lives might not always appreciate being your subjects.   Let me encourage you to photograph something else for […]

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Fall Senior Pictures in Akron {Kathryn – Lake High School}

Senior girl orange shirt sitting on bridge

It has been a little hard to plan for fall senior pictures in Akron this year.  It has been such a strange fall here in Northeast Ohio!  With the really warm weather early in the month, the leaves didn’t start to change until just this past week.   And then this week it has been super […]

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