Thanksgiving Photo Tips

For many people, Thanksgiving is a great time to get out the camera and document some memories.  Especially if you’re blessed to have your extended family there!  I’m sharing my Thanksgiving photo tips with you today and I hope you find them helpful! Decorations & Details Do you use the good china and set the […]

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Evi’s Senior Session in the Sunflowers

This was the summer that sunflowers almost didn’t happen.  So. much. rain!  And when I contacted the owners of field I used last year, she said their first planting had failed and wasn’t certain if their second planting would take.  But Evi really wanted to have a senior session in the sunflowers.  And fortunately, Evi’s […]

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Spring Photo Walk

cherry blossoms

Who wants to join me for a free mini-workshop and photo walk on May 4, 2019?  There’s just nothing like getting outside after a cold and dreary Ohio winter, don’t you agree? So if you’ve been curious about my camera classes but you weren’t sure a whole workshop is for you, I hope you’ll find […]

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Quick Tips for Decorating Your Nursery with Portraits

framed portraits decorate pale aqua nursery

Have you ever walked into a room with a gallery wall and said “Ooooh!”?   The reason you get that feeling is because the artwork is coordinated. A great room has been styled throughout every inch. So when you are planning artwork for your own nursery, take some time to think about these elements in your […]

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Use Shutter Priority Mode to Keep Christmas in Focus

boy opening Christmas gift

Surely, we can all use a reminder to slow down and enjoy the season.  But when I say “Keeping Christmas in Focus”, I am talking about a clear picture, photographically speaking.  So today, I’m going to teach how to use Shutter Priority Mode. Because when you go to view your photos after the gifts are […]

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