As far as senior portrait sessions go, I could not have asked for a more perfect subject. Marissa totally rocked her session. And she came completely prepared in terms of outfits and accessories. Essentially, she had two outfits—a pink dress and a navy blue top with jeans. But with a couple changes of accessories (a […]
Meet Marissa – Class of 2012
Meet Marissa from the Class of 2012. What a gorgeous weekend we just had for a fun senior photo session! Marissa was a joy to work with, completely willing to walk all over our spacious location to find the best spots for posing. We managed to scare up a couple of deer and several chipmunks […]
Megan | {Akron, OH Child Photographer}
Megan was having a great time despite the misty gray conditions on the night of her family’s photo session. Her daddy makes her laugh. 😉 Oh, how I love the sound of giggling! I’m entering this photo in Love That Shot’s link-up where the theme is laughter this month. Click on the button below to […]
Pictured above: my beautiful friend and an amazing mom, Rachelle and her sweet Sawyer. I just adore how he raises that little eyebrow! Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! If you like what you see here, I’d love for you to become a follower of my photography blog. Just click the Followers tab […]
What to wear?
Are you thinking you would like to have family portraits done, but you have no idea what to wear? This week Melinda Brookshire shared some of her fashion sense over at I Heart Faces, a site I regularly turn to for photography inspiration and advice. I like the casual look of the first one, but […]