Oh, Baby Harper was just a dream to photograph. So sleepy and sweet! And those dimples! I could have photographed her all day! Her mom brought along the handmade baby afghan. (Just in case you might be thinking that I am crazy talented enough to crochet a custom blanket for each client. I wish!) I […]
Free Birth Announcement Templates for Photoshop
I love creating customized birth announcements for my clients! Many of my clients come to their newborn session knowing that announcements are one of the products they want to purchase. So I like to offer them several options from clean and simple designs to current trends in stationery. I have several design vendors from whom I purchase templates, […]
Jonathan – Norton High School Class of 2015
Meet Jonathan, one of Norton High School’s outstanding members of the Class of 2015. I had the privilege of doing Jonathan’s senior pictures recently. A pitcher for his high school baseball team, he chose the ball field as his first location. When it started raining (as it often does in April), we headed back to […]
Heart and Soul {I Heart Faces Photo Challenge Entry}
“…and weep with them that weep.” Rom. 12:15 Is there any greater privilege than to offer comfort to a friend? When words are inadequate and a hug says everything. To enfold someone in an embrace that whispers, “Let me help you carry that sorrow for just a while. It’s too heavy.” I felt so honored to […]
Maverick – 9 Days Old
Is there any sight more precious than a sleeping newborn baby? (I think not!) Meet Maverick… Aren’t those antique baby shoes amazing?? They belonged to his great-grandma. 🙂 I love it when clients bring something meaningful to their photo sessions. I leave you with one of his sweet dreaming face… Do you have a friend […]