30 photo prompts for November word graphicI think it’s time for another 30 Day Photo Challenge.  Last time I told you that one of the best ways to improve your photography skills is to practice every day.  But the people and pets in your lives might not always appreciate being your subjects.   Let me encourage you to photograph something else for a change.  Enter the 30 Day November Photo Challenge on Instagram!

There is a prompt to inspire you for each of the 30 days in November.  If you like, you can take the prompt literally, or you can put your own creative spin on it.  I hope you’ll complete as many as possible.  And to further encourage you to play along, you’ll receive one entry to win a $15 Starbucks gift card for each prompt that you complete by 11:59 on December 1, 2018.  (I even gave you an extra day in case you need to catch up!)  Complete all 30 and you’ll receive 5 bonus entries!

Be sure to use the hashtag #azpNovemberPhotoChallenge in your caption so that I can find your posts.  Otherwise, I have no way of knowing you participated.  You don’t want to get all the way to the end of the challenge and then realize you didn’t win because you forgot that easy little step, right?  Right.   Make it easy for yourself and just copy/paste #azpNovemberPhotoChallenge into a note on your phone.  I recommend using another hashtag with the number or theme of the prompt to help you keep track.  Something like #dayone or #color. This will help especially if you decide to do the prompts out of order.

Official Rules for the 30 Day November Photo Challenge:

  1. Post a photo on Instagram for each prompt.
  2. Use the hashtag #azpNovemberPhotoChallenge in the caption of each photo.
  3. Complete all 30 prompts by 11:59 PM EST on December 1, 2018.
  4. Winner will be chosen by random name picker at 3pm EST on December 2, 2018.
  5. Per the rules of Instagram, please do not inaccurately tag content (which simply means don’t tag someone that isn’t really in the photo).

Disclaimer:  I must mention that this promotion is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram, Inc. By entering, entrants confirm they are 13+ years of age, release Instagram of responsibility, and agree to Instagram’s terms of use.

That’s it–pretty simple right? Have fun! And if you know someone who enjoys photography but needs a little inspiration now and then, please feel free to share the 30 Day November Photo Challenge with them, too!

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