Okay, “need” might be overstating things a tad.  But if you think back on Christmas photos you’ve taken in the past, they probably all look the same.  The people in them just get a bit older and the clothing styles have changed.  You understand what I mean, right?  There’s lots of photos of Christmas morning, opening gifts, kids holding presents and offering cheesy smiles.  And I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t take those photos.  It’s just that there’s so much more to the season than the gift-opening. Right?

So here’s my list of photos you might want to take in addition to those:

1. Decorating the tree

Capture the process of decorating the tree.  Whether you let the kids help with the whole thing or maybe just helping put the star on top.  At our house, there’s usually silliness involved as you can see here:

Zwart Family Christmas Tree Decorating

2. Baking Day

From the stirring to the sprinkles, embrace the mess.  Photos of their little hands rolling out dough or cutting cookie shapes are priceless!


3. Reading the Christmas story

This is a time-honored tradition in my family and happens before any gifts are opened.  You might choose to do this before they go to sleep on Christmas Eve or on another night leading up to Christmas.

4. Lighting an advent candle

Or photograph your child opening one of the little doors on your advent calendar.

5. Your front door wreath

Better yet, capture the expressions on your guests faces as you open the door to greet them.

6. Pet sleeping under the tree

Our cat LOVES our Christmas tree.  And I really do believe she thinks we put the tree up just so she can sleep under it.  She woke up when I tried to take her photo, and I just love how her eyes reflect all the lights!

7. Everyone in Christmas PJ’s

There’s just something cozy and fun when it comes to Christmas pajamas.


8. Group photo

“Wait a minute”, you say.  “That’s a no-brainer!”  Well, if you’re anything like my family, we say we’re going to do this, and we usually forget.  Or we remember, but then someone has already gone home or fallen asleep. Do yourselves a favor, get this shot done as soon as all the guests have arrived.  You know, before Uncle Bob gets cranberry sauce on his pants.  Because here’s the thing: you just never know what a year will bring.  And next year, someone might be missing and you’ll be extra glad you took the time to get that shot.  So set up the tripod and set the timer!

9. Outdoor lights

Even if you don’t put up your own lights outside, chances are there is a holiday display somewhere in your community that goes all out with theirs.  Use the nighttime scene preset on your camera (it’s the one that looks like fireworks or cityscape with a moon).

Outdoor Christmas Lights display

10. Your favorite gift

It might be one you gave or one you received, but either way, try photographing it in a different way besides asking the recipient to hold it up and say cheese!


Well, there you have it.  And I know that this list is not exhaustive, by any means.  Feel free to leave your must-have photo ideas in the comments below!

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