Sarah had already planned to do her senior pictures at the park where she runs.  But then this field of sunflowers near her house bloomed!  And her mom just so happened to be a friend of the owners who graciously invited us to come on over anytime.  And so we adjusted our location plans to include some sunflower field senior pictures.

On the day of Sarah’s session, the morning was rainy.  So we started with some indoor shots.  By the time we finished up with the yearbook and dance photos, there was a break in the weather and we headed over to the sunflowers.  And there were other flowers there, too.  It was a beautiful spot!

collage of senior girl photos in a sunflower field

Finally, we headed over to the park to get a photo or two on her favorite rock.  And then, after a quick change in my pop-up changing tent, she was ready for some running shots, too.

That pop-up changing tent is so handy!  Clients no longer have to worry about whether there will be a nearby bathroom for quick outfit changes when choosing a location.  Because no one should have to change in a port-a-potty!  Unfortunately, it’s been either that or change in the car at some locations in the past.  Not any more!  Now the only challenge is trying to fold the tent back up.  But I digress…

You’re here to see Sarah’s senior pictures.  Click on the photo below to view the rest of Sarah’s gallery.

Girl wearing yellow shirt sitting on a rock

Do you have fun location in mind?

Whether you want sunflower field senior pictures or have some other fun location in mind, I want to help you make it happen!  Become a VIP to get first dibs on session opportunities like this or your favorite season–whatever that might be.  Limited sessions remain for this fall, so get in touch soon!