Northeast Ohio Baby and Family Photographer

A friend of mine purchased a session as a shower gift for her goddaughter, and I was scheduled to meet this little sweetheart back in April as a newborn.   But when she arrived, the doctors quickly discovered that something was wrong with her heart and Lyndee  had to stay in the hospital for a long while.  There were a lot of up and downs for this sweet family as the surgery was postponed several times because of infections and other setbacks. Finally, she was strong enough for open heart surgery.  (It is hard for me to even comprehend open heart surgery at 2 months old!)  The surgeons repaired her heart and she began to get stronger.

Life settled down a bit for her family, and her mom rescheduled the photo session for late October.  Lyndee is six months old now, sitting up and just as happy as can be.   And after her session, I think photographing 6-month-olds might be my favorite.  🙂 (I know, I say that about all my sessions.)  Obviously, she’s a gorgeous baby, and she’s got the sweetest and happiest personality.  What a fun morning we had together!

Northeast Ohio Baby and Family Photographer


Just a few days following her photo session, Lyndee had a follow-up heart surgery and she did great.  So when it came time to choose a Halloween costume for Lyndee, her mom designed a little “Queen of Hearts” outfit.  I think that was quite fitting, don’t you?

Thanks to Lyndee’s family!  I hope to have the honor of photographing you all again, soon.

Northeast Ohio Child and Family Photographer