
My husband Jeff’s best friends visited regularly during his last year.  They enjoyed sharing news from back home in Indiana where they had grown up together.  When his best friend Pat announced that he and his wife were expecting their first baby,  the guys razzed him mercilessly about finally becoming a dad.  I will never forget how touched Jeff was when Pat later told him that they were having a boy, and they had decided to name him Jeffrey.  I finally got the chance to meet him this year when the kids and I were traveling home from our summer vacation.  My heart just melted when I saw him–he is such a gorgeous child.  I wish so much that Jeff had been able to meet him, too.

I love this photo of Pat enjoying his son.  He’d just come home from work and scooped him up from the yard where he’d been playing.  Little Jeffrey is just so precious!  And while we always wish babies could stay little and cuddly for always, at the same time we dream of what they will be when they grow up.   I pray that God will bless this family, and that Pat and his wife will enjoy every moment.